Jumat, 06 September 2019

Juli Lalu Jadi Bulan Terpanas Sepanjang Sejarah

Juli Lalu Jadi Bulan Terpanas Sepanjang SejarahIlustrasi Global Warming. ©2015 Merdeka.com

Merdeka.com - Bulan lalu yakni Juli 2019, disebut sebagai bulan terpanas sepanjang sejarah perekaman temperatur Bumi. Setidaknya, ini adalah bulan terpanas sepanjang 140 tahun belakangan.
Data ini diambil dari informasi terbaru dari National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) yang dikutip dari Mashable.
Rekor yang didapatkan oleh NOAA ini dikonfirmasi oleh Komisi Uni Eropa yang menganalisis data serupa, serta organisasi riset iklim Berkeley Earth.
Disebut, di penjuru bagian Bumi terlanada panas yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya di Juli kemarin. Oleh karena itu, temperatur melonjak hingga memecahkan rekor sebagai bulan terpanas yang pernah terekam.
Tak cuma panas, rekor ini juga menyusutkan es di lautan Kutub Utara dan Antartika ke posisi tertinggi sepanjang sejarah.
Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan Juli biasanya memang jadi bulan terpanas sepanjang tahun. Hal ini didukung pula dengan tahun 2019 yang secara keseluruhan lebih panas ketimbang tahun-tahun sebelumnya.

Tiap Bulan, Temperatur Bumi Makin Panas
Tak cuma memecahkan rekor, bulan Juli 2019 menandai tren jangka panjang terkait kenaikan temperatur yang terjadi tiap berganti bulan.
Faktanya, bahkan Juli 2019 adalah ke 415 kalinya setiap bulan makin panas. Hal ini berarti setiap orang yang lahir setelah tahun 1985 akan mengalami tiap bulan makin panas dalam hidupnya.
2019 sendiri disebut jadi salah satu tahun terpanas sepanjang sejarah, bergelut dengan setiap tahun di lima tahun terakhir. Menurut data NOAA, hal ini dipicu tingginya karbon dioksida di atmosfer yang bertanggung jawab sebagai gas rumah kaca. Tingkat ketinggian ini diklaim paling tinggi dalam 800.000 tahun.
Ahli paleoklimatologi menemukan bahwa konsentrasi karbon dioksida meningkat pada tingkatan yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya dalam catatan sejarah dan geologis. [idc]
Selasa, 20 Agustus 2019 11:31 Reporter : Indra Cahya

Kamis, 05 September 2019

Ikan Purba Raja Laut (Coelacanth) Kembali Ditemukan Di Perairan Raja Ampat

Raja Ampat (15/6), Ikan purba raja laut (Coelacanth) secara tidak sengaja terpancing oleh nelayan dari kelurahan Pulau Ram Distrik Sorong Kepulauan. Yulius Faidiban dan Yopi Mamoribo, selaku nelayan yang tidak sengaja menangkap ikan purba tersebut tidak pernah menyangka kegiatan melaut  yang dilakukan pada Sabtu, 15 Juni 2019 di perairan Urbinasopen, Raja Ampat dengan kedalaman ± 60 m, akan mendapatkan hasil diluar dugaan.
Ikan yang terpancing pada pukul 08.00 WIT langsung didaratkan dalam kurun waktu kurang lebih dua jam. Pendaratan ikan purba ini dilakukan ke daerah Suprau, Distrik Maladum Mes, dalam keadaan hidup. Berita terpancingnya ikan Coelacanth mulai menyebar, berawal dari banyaknya masyarakat yang mendokumentasikan ikan tersebut, karena sebelumnya tidak pernah ada nelayan yang mendapatkan ikan purba ini. 
KKP dalam hal ini Loka Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut (LPSPL) Sorong yang mendapatkan laporan ditemukannya ikan ini segera menuju lokasi. Bersama tim reaksi cepat penanganan mamalia laut dan jenis ikan dilindungi, tim  bergerak ke Pasar Boswesen untuk mengamankan ikan yang memiliki panjang total 98 cm dan berat 12,48 kg. 

Ikan Raja Laut atau Coelacanth  yang ditemukan di Indonesia semuanya merupakan jenis satwa yang dilindungi berdasarkan PP  No. 7 Tahun 1999. Tidak hanya perlindungan nasional, ikan Raja Laut ini juga dilindungi secara internasional, yakni masuk dalam Appendix I CITES.

Sebelumnya, ikan purba ini juga pernah ditemukan di perairan Raja Ampat, tindak lanjut dari pihak yang bertanggung jawab dengan melakukan uji DNA yang menyatakan spesies tersebut sama dengan spesies yang ditemukan di perairan Manado (Latimeria sp.). Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, Loka PSPL Sorong berencana untuk melakukan uji DNA pada ikan yang baru ditemukan, dengan harapan ikan tersebut berbeda jenisnya dari yang sebelumnya (LPSPL Sorong, 16/06/2019)

Camera trap captures rare high-definition photos of a jaguar in the wild


June 20, 2019, 9 a.m.

A wild jaguar approaches a camera trap at Nouragues Natural Reserve in French Guiana. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)

Jaguars are the third-largest cat species on Earth, smaller only than lions and tigers, and the largest one left in the Americas. They're incredibly sneaky despite their size, though, and excel at fading into the background. They may have been an uncommon sight even in their heyday, when they roamed from Argentina to as far north as the Grand Canyon and Colorado.
Still, they're especially ghostlike today, and not just because of their natural stealth. Jaguars now exist only in fragments of their former range, having been wiped out in many places by generations of habitat loss and hunting. And while camera traps have given us glimpses of these elusive cats in recent years — including a few high-quality shots, like these from photographers Steve WinterNick Hawkins and Sebastian Kennerknecht — it's relatively rare to record wild jaguars in the vivid detail they deserve.
In hopes of capturing new high-resolution images of jaguars in their element, WWF France commissioned photographer and videographer Emmanuel Rondeau for an expedition to French Guiana. This quest, documented in the WWF's new web series "Mission Jaguar: Guiana," took Rondeau to Nouragues Natural Reserve, which protects 105,800 hectares (408 square miles) of tropical forest in northeastern South America. Below are some of the images he caught there, courtesy of WWF France.

Welcome to the jungle

Nouragues Natural Reserve borders the Guiana Shield, a geological formation and biodiversity hotspot on the northeastern coast of South America. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)

Nouragues Natural Reserve lies at the edge of the Guiana Shield, a roughly 2 billion-year-old geological formation where up to 80% of the native biodiversity may be unknown to science. It's also near the Amazon, the world's largest protected tropical rainforest and still one of its most mysterious. Scientists continue to find previously unknown wildlife there, such as the 381 species discovered during surveys in 2014 and 2015, including 216 plants, 93 fish, 32 amphibians, 20 mammals, 19 reptiles and one bird.
The reserve lies at the heads of two watersheds, formed by the Approuague and Comté rivers, and hosts a wide variety of riparian habitats. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)
Founded in 1995, Nouragues stretches across a swath of French Guiana between the Approuague River and the Haute-Comté region. About 99% of the park's vegetation is dense tropical rainforest, but it also supports other ecosystems like riparian forests, liana forests and "cambrouses," or thick formations of bamboo-like grasses.

Spotted cat spotted

Rondeau's high-resolution camera trap captured several striking images as the jaguar cautiously crept through the forest. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)

Jaguars are the top predator in the Amazon Basin, where they play an important ecological role by controlling populations of many other species across their habitat. They prey on large land mammals like deer, peccaries and tapirs, but also defy the feline stereotype of avoiding water. Jaguars are good swimmers, and prowl rivers for fish, turtles and caimans.
Jaguars are the top predator in the Amazon and the largest big cat species in the Americas. They're the third-largest feline on Earth, trailing only lions and tigers. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)
The jaguar's range has shrunk by half in the last 100 years, according to the WWF, which cites deforestation and agriculture as the primary reasons. Jaguar populations have shrunk, too, disappearing entirely from some countries. This decline continues today, driven by ongoing habitat loss as well as depletion of prey species, conflict with humans and rising demand for jaguar parts in Asia.
An estimated 64,000 jaguars exist in the wild today, divided into 34 subpopulations — 25 of which are threatened, and eight of which are in danger of extinction. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)
Due to the demand for jaguar teeth, claws and other body parts in some Asian countries, poaching now poses a growing threat to the already embattled cats. There are signs of an emerging trade network for jaguar parts between Central America and Asia, a 2018 report found, and the WWF warns this surge in demand can even spur poaching in jaguar strongholds like the Amazon.
Jaguars have lost about half of their range in the last 100 years, according to the WWF, resulting in reduced and even extinct populations in some countries. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)
Jaguars are listed as Near Threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which also classifies the species' population as decreasing. Yet despite their dire situation overall, these resilient cats have seized on some recent opportunities to claw back. In Mexico, for example, a 2018 study found that wild jaguar populations had grown by 20% in the last eight years. The increase is credited largely to a conservation program launched in 2005.
In addition to habitat loss, jaguars are increasingly threatened by poaching to meet demand in China for teeth, claws and other jaguar parts. (Photo: © Emmanuel Rondeau/WWF France)
For more about jaguars and the struggle to save them, see the WWF's species profile and its new video series from French Guiana.